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Smart working and short week in the revision proposal..._header_img

Smart working and short week in the revision proposal...

Mon 11 Sep 2023

In the transport sector, it will be necessary to encourage more strongly measures aimed at transferring user movements from private to public transport through the modal shift, reducing the need for displacement with policies of favour for smart working and evaluating the reduction of working days for the same hours worked”.

We have already analysed the link between remote work and environmental sustainability. The latest news regarding the Pniec revision proposal formulated by the government goes precisely in this direction. Let's summarise the main joints.

Reducing emissions

The government recently sent to Brussels the proposed revision of the National Integrated Energy and Climate Plan (Pniec). Among the proposals within it there are, as we read, the reduction in travel through policies in favour of smart working and the consideration of a reduction in working days for the same hours worked.

Since a significant portion of emissions comes from transport, the adoption of electric vehicles and greater use of public transport cannot in fact be enough to solve the problem. It is also essential to try to limit unnecessary travel. Reason why remote work and short week are two solutions that the government wanted to include in the Pniec update proposal. A fundamental first step that looks at the environment and, at the same time, at companies and their employees.

Renewable energies: the objectives

Within the government's proposal we also find precise indications relating to the promotion of renewable energies. First of all, there is the desire to exceed the milestone of 40% of gross final energy consumption by 2030. In addition, specific objectives are set:
  • 37% of renewable energy for heating and cooling;
  • 31% in transport;
  • A share of 42% of hydrogen produced from renewable sources for use in industry.

Italy will also have to adapt to the decarbonisation parameters of the European Union. Among these, by 2030, the reduction of emissions not covered by the ETS system of 43.7% compared to the levels of 2005 stands out. A goal to achieve which a decisive intervention will be necessary in the sectors of construction, agriculture and, again, transport.

Pniec: public buildings, consumption and renovations

In the document presented by the government we also find some significant passages related to the efficiency of public buildings, the reduction of energy consumption and the increase in the rate of renovation of houses (which points to electrification of consumption, automation systems and control and diffusion of thermal insulation interventions).

In fact, we read "With regard to the heating of buildings, it will be essential to fully exploit the potential for reducing consumption offered by heat pumps as the main heating system to be installed both in correspondence with deep redevelopment of buildings and in integration of the current heat distribution systems".

This is, of course, a series of measures that are partly outside the specific area of interest of NotOnlyDesk. However, NOD intends to emphasise how, once again, smart working represents one of the main solutions identified to meet the needs of the present and future. The path tracked out is heading towards an increasingly flexible tomorrow and NotOnlyDesk wants to be part of it.