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Digital nomadism: characteristics of the phenomenon and future prospects_header_img

Digital nomadism: characteristics of the phenomenon and future prospects

Thu 26 Oct 2023

We have been hearing about digital nomadism for a few years now. The phenomenon has naturally known a phase of great growth and spread with the advent of the pandemic emergency. But what exactly is it about?
Who are the so-called digital nomads?

Digital nomads

I nomadi digitali sono persone che lavorano da remoto e possono quindi vivere ovunque. Sono generalmente professionisti che hanno scelto uno stile di vita non convenzionale, basato su valori diversi rispetto all’idea del lavoro fisso.

I nomadi digitali possono svolgere una vasta gamma di lavori, tra cui:
  • Freelancer in ambito creativo: come scrittori, designer, sviluppatori web, fotografi, videomaker, ecc.
  • Imprenditori che gestiscono un proprio business online, come e-commerce, blog, corsi online, ecc.
  • Lavoratori dipendenti che hanno la possibilità di lavorare da remoto, come impiegati, consulenti, ecc.
  • I nomadi digitali sono spesso attratti da questo stile di vita per i seguenti motivi:
  • Libertà di poter vivere e lavorare ovunque.
  • Esperienza di nuove culture e luoghi.
  • Autonomia e flessibilità.
  • Migliore equilibrio tra vita lavorativa e personale.

The future of digital nomadism

The future of digital nomadism seems to be considered positive, also thanks to the development of digital technologies and the spread of smart working. Digital technologies are in fact making it easier and more convenient to work remotely and the spread of Wi-Fi networks and the reduction of roaming costs allow digital nomads to stay connected to the Internet anywhere in the world.

As for the spread of smart working, it is making digital nomadism more accessible to an increasing number of people. More and more companies are adopting smart working policies to allow employees to work remotely, even for long periods of time.

In addition, already in 2021 a Brother Abroad report claimed that the number of people in the world to call themselves digital nomads was 35 million and that this figure could rise to one billion by 2035.

Coworking and digital nomadism

Digital nomadism therefore seems to be the future. But how can the development of coworkings favour its further spread? Let's see it together.

The advantages offered by coworking are now well known to us. Coworking:
  • It offers the possibility of renting a workstation for a day, a week or a month, depending on your needs. This allows digital nomads to save on housing costs and have a professional and stimulating work environment.
  • It offers a sense of community and support. Coworking is a place where digital nomads can meet, exchange ideas and collaborate on projects. This can help digital nomads feel less isolated and build a network of contacts.
  • It offers access to useful services and resources. Coworkings often offer a number of services and resources useful to digital nomads, such as Wi-Fi, printer, scanner, meeting room, etc. This can help digital nomads to work more efficiently and productively.

It is therefore clear that the future of digital nomadism necessarily passes through a strengthening of the spread of coworking spaces. The future of digital nomadism also and above all passes from NotOnlyDesk.